My Blog List

  • I've been talking about how soccer team should focus on developing players from their youth academy and how they shouldn't invest so much money at a 16 1...
  • For my new media ideal would be to create some type of system that allows a person to simply see a type of food and then the information related to t...
  • The next new media platform might incorporate emerging holographic technologies. A combination of virtual reality and holographic projection would allow us...
  • *Facebook* Even though it is currently not the most popular among the younger crowd, Facebook is still currently the most dominant of all social platforms....
  • I would like to Suggest a new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist. The gaming industry is continuously evolving and improving in the past few ...
  • Since VR as it right now is the next big thing I would thing that Implementing VR in New Media would be the same.VR gaming has opened a...
  • Suggest a new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist. Describe it. There are so many "New Medias" that are introduced to us daily. I thought of a...
  • Peer-to-peer file sharing has been around since the beginning of the internet. Literally millions of people have been doing this for years. Some share fil...
  • In today's world, there are various outlets of "new medias" and many are being introduced everyday. I would suggest, having contacts that wou...
  • Which is a better buy: old media or new media? Some recent sales of established newspapers and freshly minted online rags offer a unique look into a debate...

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Modeling reality with virtual world

What are different ways these virtual worlds can be used?  virtual world can be used for developing social skills .  the military use virtual world for training .  and schools use the virtual word to help with education.
What are the pros and cons? pros is the creativity that comes with virtual world . you can  develop your own communities . the con is that people often lose them self in the virtual world and it become very costly .  
 Be specific. How do virtual worlds foster creativity?  the development of the virtual world  requires a lot of creativity , if not  it world be pointless  and wont be an escape from reality . it would be a blank space.   for example i play this game called clash of klans , and and one of the main point is to develop your land and build your castle , no one has the same castle in the game because every one creates there own 
 What do you think the future of virtual worlds will look like?  i think that in the future every thing we do will consist of virtual world , like McDonald will have a virtual customer service  rep   and your food will be delivered   by a drone  with very limited people connection .

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Creativity and New Media

i use new mieda to help me be creative , i found instrumentals of a song i liked a made a song then i posted it on you tube . hope you enjoy .


creativity  can be found everywhere  so why would it not be found on new media.  she sharing of information so fast has fostered many great mashups.  and the mashups are not created by will know artist but by regular people.   i have seen on Instagram Rihanna post a photo of her at the met gala and by the next day she post about 10 photos of artist that  drew her . and thy are all different .   like jayz did with 99 problem using 2 samples to  create this amazing track .


What is file sharing?
  is using the network to shear files between multiple computers 

What is P2P File sharing?
 peer to peer  file sharing  allows you to share media files 

What are some examples of P2P file sharing?
shearing of books , music and movies 

wikis so far

I have been working on my class wiki and i mostly  contribute to the art section of the wiki . i personal love art so i gravitate to anything artistic. I have added photos and edited a section of the wiki . i have also contributed to the love section and Nike .

Next New

the net new media would be perfect size . perfect size will scan your body and find your perfect measurement is and clothing that would fit you . this would be an exciting new feature to virtual shopping.  so that when you order shoes and clothing it will always fit .  perfect size would be in all stores . your information would be save to that stores data base .  all you do is pull up the app on your smart phone  and view your measurements , scan the tag  it goes to your shopping cart and it also acts as wardrobe organizer .if you gained  or lost weight it would also tell you what  items to get rid of .

Blogs VS Wikis

a blog mostly has one editor and the people who read blogs are able to comment . this creates a dialog. however a wiki has multiple editors pretty much any one that has an account can edit a wiki and edit the information posted . in today society  covering information is very important , we all have smart phones and we use them at the ready to spread and gain information .  blogs are very important because they can be used to generate ideas. like DIY do it yourself , there are so many blogs about how to creating  this on your own.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media.

a few months ago i was watching the food net work about porched eggs , i open my phone and i typed in P. porched eggs automatically came up . i was confused ,. i thought my phone was reading my mind .  when you singing  up to different webpages , you give them your personal information and they turn around and sell it. next thing you know you start getting  phone calls from random numbers. also they use this to target you . this happens with adds.  the security of  private information is very important when it come to new media , new media allows for access in to your privet life  any random person can steal your identity  and you would never know it  until you see a page that has you photo pop up in the people you may know section of Facebook. 


You are hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College. What are some suggestions you would make using new media?

a suggestion that i would make is that every one would have to use Facebook, so that they make keep in contact with other students ,  also they all should have a linked in page . i would want to improve blackboard so that it is more mobile friendly. i would develop  an online program that students can gain  college credit for helping other students. also i would have students publish there papers on the BC  library  so that it could help other students.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blog about Twitter

i am more of an in class discussions  type of person , i feel that black bored discussion are more closely related to in class discussions because of the organization. i don't like that you have  rely on a symbol to get a point across.  Twitter i feel is just simply not organized or maybe it my bias .

Social networking sites

I have had a twitter  account for a very long time but i do not use it as much as i use Facebook Instagram or snap-chat . Twitter is the last on my list in my social media hierarchy . Facebook is where i connect with friends and family, it reminds me of birthdays and other events that my family and friends are having . Instagram is not for my family is more so R rated than my FB , my FB is family friendly , i post what ever i want with out fear of my mom seeing it and judging me. now snapchat is where i go for my filters so that i can post it on my IG and tag my Facebook. i started using twitter because of this calss and to see what Donald  Trump is tweeting because  its his main source of communication. and it hels to get a # trending  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Blog Social networking

What are some ways (corporate and otherwise) that these technologies can be used?
      if we are talking about companies, theses technologies can be used to spy on employees. for example; say you called out from work because you say that you are sick , then you went to the beach and posted celled in sick to hang out , your company can terminate your for integrity   

 What are the benefits of these technologies to society?  
the biggest benefit is that you can keep in contact with people that are far away instantly.  NYC larges crime bust have been solved by social media

 Be specific. Is there a "dark side"? 

people tend to post and blog too much it become an addiction. people relive too much information about them self .  a lot of crime have been busted using social media this is not good for criminals. cat fishing , people don't want to be them sled and social media helps .

Thursday, February 16, 2017

New media : Simple or complex

For my project  i would like to take a look at new media from a sociological respective , in regard to the simplicity or the complexity of new media. I also wanted to make connection to the zombie , i think tis would provided a very interesting twist .
so this was a fun trip .  in 15 hr i went to LA. 5 hr to 5 hr spent and 5 hrs back to NYC. call me crazy but but ill do it again .
SFO @The Golden Gate Bridge 
So about SFO. This was a 1 day trip 11-hr,  i stayed in SFO . i ate lots of food took lots of pic and watched a movie . Oh yea and a boat ride .

in 2015 the TWA building opened its doors for the last time before the renovation for the new hotel , i am happy to have been there.