My Blog List

  • Info graphics are insanely powerful marketing tools. They’re visual eye candy, they’re easy to digest, and people love to share them, so they’re a great ...
  • In order to contribute for my class in the wiki page. I decided to do write on a topic I use nearly everyday which is gaming, specifically MMORPG. T...
  • File sharing is the transfer of data from one computer to another. P2P (Peer to Peer) file sharing is when web users transfer data to one another. Differen...
  • Virtual reality is currently gaining traction. While higher end VR headsets are not exactly very popular outside of the gaming community due to their price...
  • Suggest a new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist. Describe it. There are so many "New Medias" that are introduced to us daily. I thought of a...
  • In today's world, there are various outlets of "new medias" and many are being introduced everyday. I would suggest, having contacts that wou...
  • For the Wiki project I am planning to work on the art section. I am going to discuss and research different pieces of art threw out the history. I have mad...
  • I am currently working on editing the page Real-Time Strategy (really don't mind the help). I love RTS and I grow up playing it I watched how the years had...
  • New Media allows people to do whatever they want and be whatever they want. Many people have completely different personas on social media than they have i...
  • Which is a better buy: old media or new media? Some recent sales of established newspapers and freshly minted online rags offer a unique look into a debate...

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Blogs VS Wikis

a blog mostly has one editor and the people who read blogs are able to comment . this creates a dialog. however a wiki has multiple editors pretty much any one that has an account can edit a wiki and edit the information posted . in today society  covering information is very important , we all have smart phones and we use them at the ready to spread and gain information .  blogs are very important because they can be used to generate ideas. like DIY do it yourself , there are so many blogs about how to creating  this on your own.

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