In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media.
a few months ago i was watching the food net work about porched eggs , i open my phone and i typed in P. porched eggs automatically came up . i was confused ,. i thought my phone was reading my mind . when you singing up to different webpages , you give them your personal information and they turn around and sell it. next thing you know you start getting phone calls from random numbers. also they use this to target you . this happens with adds. the security of private information is very important when it come to new media , new media allows for access in to your privet life any random person can steal your identity and you would never know it until you see a page that has you photo pop up in the people you may know section of Facebook.
Info graphics are insanely powerful marketing tools. They’re visual eye
candy, they’re easy to digest, and people love to share them, so they’re a
great ...
It is important for us the user to do what we can in order for our information to be protected. I don't like how what I look up online turn into an ads in another page I go to so I did the next best thing delete my history cookies...etc. I don't mind waiting a little bit longer for a page to load at least I know they have to try harder if they want me to buy things.